Heather Simpson, Senior Programme Manager (OD), Primary Care Delivery, NHS England

I truly believe that coaching can support the NHS in transforming and in supporting patients to become better managers of their own health.

Having completed the course to train others in health coaching skills, I have trained many clinicians as well as working to increase awareness of health coaching and its use within NHS England.

I also work as part of a steering group within my organisation and am an active member of city-wide steering group to help embed health coaching.

This approach has brought together my skills as a coach and a clinician, marrying the two together to enable better practice. I have found that it has given patients the opportunity to have a voice and be part of the solution relating to their care and treatment.

I have also found that a coaching approach for staff enables better conversations, helps them to develop better resilience and well-being within the ever increasing stressful working environment.

Heather’s tips:

  • Just do it
  • Believe it can work and it will
  • Undertake some training
  • Practice on yourself/ friends and family
  • Join a community of practice

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