Resources for a
better conversation

Download industry leading resources to help you embark on health coaching and empower your patients to self-manage their health and wellbeing.

National resources to aid a better conversation

Comprehensive personalised care model all age, whole population approach to personalised care


Health coaching national guidance NHS England, implementation and quality summer guide


Technical annexes implementation and quality summary guide


Health and wellbeing coaches NHS England, workforce development framework


Better conversation resources

Learn from comprehensive health coaching guide amalgam of evidence and case studies


Clear actions to implement to grow a health coaching social movement


Stories from 162 people how communication matters most


Evidence created by better conversation

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Community of practice events

Hear from patient advocates, doctors, AHPs, nurses, public health professionals. view 35 videos

Professor Michael West and participants at launch

Community of practice events

view 35 videos

What NHS professional's say about health coaching

"Conversation doesn't just reshuffle the
cards. It creates new cards."

How talk can change our lives,
Theodore Zeldin

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