Training for you and your colleagues

There is a strong body of evidence that education of health professionals has not kept pace with system and population needs. Giving advice is often not enough to change old habits. Health and care professionals need new communication skills based on the science of behaviour change.

Good health coach training is an experiential process with opportunities to test application of learning in the workplace. Evidence shows a minimum of two days training is required for effective mind-set and skill acquisition.

Better conversation training supports holistic health and behaviour change based on tools and techniques taken from psychology, motivational interviewing, experiential learning and performance coaching (TGROW). It is available for individuals, groups and teams, delivered by experienced clinicians and experts in the field, and has been developed from decades of NHS know how, as well as planning, evaluation and scaling health coaching since 2010.

This website contains original materials developed over a decade that have been funded and supported by the NHS. NHS organisations using the name and materials “Better Conversation” are part of the Better Conversation social movement. However, we cannot endorse the quality of other private training providers using the name.

Commissioning training

What is health coaching training?

Read chapter 3 of the resource guide

How to commission health coaching

Read chapter 4 of the resource guide

Framework to help choose a provider

Download from HEE

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"Conversation doesn't just reshuffle the
cards. It creates new cards."

How talk can change our lives,
Theodore Zeldin

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